In May 1959, considering the importance of good preparation, Reaseguradora Patria, S.A. decided to organized an elementary insurance course that started with five persons and since then, a week-long course was organized every May and received coleagues from other enterprises.
School for reinsurance in Mexico

In order to study and update, insurance policies, insurance laws and contracts were studied. Patria Re continued to organize courses given to colleagues in the insurance sector, sharing knowledge and experiences that have always enriched people.
Reaseguradora Patria,S.A., became the reinsurance school in Mexico and Latin America, recognized in the industry for its commitment and trust. Nowadays, we continue to share that knowledge and experience, with business partners, regulatory authorities and other organizations of the reinsurance industry in Mexico and in the world.

specialized seminars

We have the following specialized seminar programs in the following lines of business:
International Reinsurance Seminar of Property and Casualty.
International Reinsurance Seminar of Life and Health.
International Reinsurance Seminar of Surety and Bonds.