About US

Reaseguradora Patria, S.A. is part of group of enterprises, créate synergies, economies of scale and enhances our expertise work. We are a group of highly competitive enterprises and we are formed as follows
About Us

Our mission is to participate in the business risk administration of the client through comprehensive reinsurance services and personalized consultancy on economic, technical and administrative matters to build long-term business relationships in benefit of our clients, stockholders, contributors, partners and the society in general.

The vision of the company projected in the following environments:
Reaseguradora Patria is looking to increase the level of risk diversification in all its operations. Patria is looking for a good balance between its treaty and facultative business portfolio, and the proportional and non-proportional portfolios. In addition, Patria works to increase the product mix diversification and looks favorably towards the development of alternative risk transfer schemes.
Regarding our clients, Reaseguradora Patria combines experience, technology, creativity and initiative in providing service. It also offers support and technical and financial assistance. Particularly strives to provide timely care and timely payment and a suitable, personalized and specialized service.
Reaseguradora Patria, S.A. works to strengthen interdisciplinary, agile, dynamic and flexible teams who are able to adapt to the market needs.
Reaseguradora Patria is looking for a competitive and up-to-date technological development which supports the company´s service and management.
Our teams consist of people with integrity, unity and expertise and are 100% dedicated to their job. They are empowered people with decision-making capacity, market awareness and always provide the best solutions in terms of value to our clients.
These teams develop new skills mainly on service and advice to clients and know how to identify opportunities, have negotiating and communication skills, critical thinking, analytical ability and decision making.
The staff shares the company’s philosophy and is comitted to consolidate Patria as a solid institution.
The permanence and stability of our people is based on their ability to generate profitability and growth potential. Thus, their performance and integrity must be understood as the compatibility of their behavior with the organizational values and their commitment with the company.
Everybody´s performance must be in accordance with the image and reputation we reflect as a company.
We reinforce the features of our image through the agility to respond and provide solutions, business knowledge and comprehensive service. On the other hand, our image has new attributes which transmit a proactive and dynamic enterprise.
We are considered a first class contender thanks to our reputation, reliability, strength and responsibility.

There are five core values which guide our behaviour: Commitment, Initiative, Integrity, Professionalism and Respect.
We know reinsurance is based on mutual trust; that is why we fulfill our agreements and obligations with responsibility and opportunity. We give the best of ourselves and always keep our word and the company ´s reputation; that´s why we build long-term relationships.
We always act with a strict adherence to the ethical principles of the company and fulfill our commitments before our shareholders, clients, employees, business partners and society in general. At the same time, we assume with responsability the consequences of our actions and decisions. We know for sure that what we say must be consistent with what we do.
We act rapidly in the face of change and business challenges and search for business opportunities where we can add value and anticipate or adapt ourselves quickly. We are creative and open minded towards new market demands, the risks we assume and the decisions we make.
We look forward to be the best in what we do so we strive to be constantly up to date. We also evaluate our performance with self-criticism and follow the rules and standards with discipline. We have truthful communication with our people so that they are able to transmit knowledge and expertise based on the clients´ expectations and needs.
We encourage those relationships based on trust, openmindedness and consideration towards those with whom we interact; that´s why we respect and accept diversity.


Our teams are made up of people with integrity, a sense of team and good preparation, with the desire to have constant updating and offer total dedication to work. They are empowered people, with decision-making capacity, market sensitivity, customer-oriented and to provide the best solutions in terms of value.


Founded in 1953 by a group of Mexican and foreign investors:
- Lic. Manuel G. Escobedo
- Lic. Tomás Noriega
- Sr. Juan Carlos Luttmann
- Sr. Agustín Rodríguez
- Sr. Alfredo Mancera
- Sr. Rafael Mancera
- Storebrand Ins. Co. (Noruega)
- Sr. Per M. Hanson
Reaseguradora Patria, S.A. changed the perspective of the reinsurance in Mexico. Over the course of more tan 60 years, it has becomed an international icon of reinsurance and an increasingly company in Mexico and abroad.
Below, we review the most significant moments in the history of the company:
Founded by Storebrand (Norway) and a group of Mexican and Norwegian investors
Listed on the stock market (Bolsa Mexicana de Valores)
Under control of the Luttman and Escobedo families
In charge of the administration of PAM- Pool Atómico Mexicano
Started implementation of Quality Management Systems
Started implementation of control systems aligned with the Solvency II and Enterprise Risk Management methodologies
Initiated project of geographic diversification and started underwriting of overseas portfolio
Becomes part of the Peña Verde Group (Ticker name PV) and leaves the Mexican Stock Market;
Opening of our Office in London Patria Re Marketing Services Ltd;
Opening of our Office in Santiago de Chile Patria Re Servicios, S.A. and opening of the SPA PAT6125 under Lloyd’s rules.
Openning of our office in Miami “Patria Re Risk Managment, Inc”.