Learn more ABOUT
our services

Participates in risk managment, looking forward to extend our range of service alternatives more and more, based on our extensive experience and solid knowledge of reinsurance.

Offers to our business partners the modeling services of treaties according to the current regulations through its specialized modeling team.

We became the school for reinsurance in Mexico and Latin America, recognized in the sector for its commitment and trust.
sharing your risks

Since 1953, we have collaborated with the risk managment of the reinsurance industry through the comprehensive services and personalized advice on economic technical and administrative topics.
Ethics Line

The ethics that guide the behavior of the members of Reaseguradora Patria, S.A. is based on five fundamental values: Integrity, Respect, Initiative, Commitment and Professionalism.
To enter our Ethics Line click on the image, here you can report breaches of the Code of Ethics that governs us as a company.